Walkthrough - Learn the Linux Fundamentals Part 2 | TryHackMe

This blog is a walkthrough for the machine in tryhackme on Linux Fundamentals Part 2 .

The machine contains 18 Tasks. Let's discuss and find the solutions for each one of them.

If you have not done Linux Fundamentals Part 1, please attempt it. You can check its walkthrough here.

Note: Before reading the solution/walkthrough, please try your best with the machine once.

Task - 1: Introduction

This task contains the introduction of the machine and a welcome note.

It also contains username and password of the machine that we are about to connect.

You should press on the "start machine" button to initiate your instance of the machine.

This section does not contain any question to be answered.

Task - 2: SSH - Intro

SSH is the act of remotely accessing a machine. SSH allows you to run commands interactively on the remote machine.

While the most common usage of a regular operating system is graphical (allowing you to see pictures, web browsers, file managers etc.), SSH works through a command line, meaning anything done on the target machine will be done through a command prompt.

This section does not contain any questions to be answered.

Task - 3: Putty and SSH

This section instructs us how to connect to the machine with Putty and SSH.

We are going to use SSH to connect with the machine, assuming we are using Linux as our base machine.

Username: shiba2

Password: pinguftw

Note: Before using SSH

Download the ovpn file that tryhackme provides you. For every user, an ovpn file is given. Download it and run the ovpn file.

Example: openvpn NAPV123.ovpn.

Here, NAPV123 is my username, the command is "ovpn <username>.ovpn".

Now, use SSH and connect to the given machine with its IP, username and password.

My given IP is:

Type "ssh [email protected]", and the type in the password (pinguftw).

Tasks 4 and 5:

 There are no questions to be answered.

Task - 6: $ operator

Q1 -  How would you set nootnoot equal to 1111?

The export command is used to set values for environment variables.
Answer is "export nootnoot=1111"

Q2 -  What is the value of the home environment variable?
Answer is /home/shiba2
It is just an echo command.

Tasks 7 and 8:

 There are no questions to be answered.

Task - 9: > operator

> is the operator for output redirection

Q1 -  How would you output twenty to a file called test.

Answer is "echo twenty > test".

echo will output twenty, > will redirect output to test.

Tasks 10:

There is no question to be answered.

Task - 11: > operator

Q1 -  What is shiba3's password?

Answer is "happynootnoises".

Use export command to set the value of the environment variable test1234 to $USER. 

Tasks 12 and 13:

 There are no questions to be answered.

Task - 14:  chown

Q1 -  How would you change the owner of file to paradox?

Answer is chown paradox file

Q2 -  What about the owner and the group of file to paradox?

Answer is chown paradox:paradox file.

Q3 - What flag allows you to operate on every file in the directory at once?

Answer is -R.

Task - 15:  chmod

Q1 -  What permissions mean the user can read the file, the group can read and write to the file, and no one else can read, write or execute the file?

Answer is 460. 
4 - file can be read
6-That file can be written to and read
0- cant read, write or execute.

Q2 -  What permissions mean the user can read, write, and execute the file, the group can read, write, and execute the file, and everyone else can read, write, and execute the file.

Answer is 777.
It is given in the reading information.

Task - 16: rm(remove) 

Q1 -  What flag deletes every file in a directory?

Answer is -r.

Q2 - How do you suppress all warning prompts  ?

Answer is -f.

Task - 17:  mv(move)

Q1 -  How would you move file to /tmp?

Answer is "mv file /tmp".

Task - 18:  Linux Fundamentals 3

It is just a concluding note.

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